2024-05-10 15:35

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Tory Freeports May Threaten Worker's Rights Says Unite

image: Clara PaillardClara Paillard from Unite has highlighted to unionsafety, a public and Trade Union awareness campaign culminating in a 15 minute video by Unite to demonstrate how worker's rights, especially Health & Safety rights can be outlawed by default, as companies move to freeport areas, de-uionise the workforce by replacing them with local workers; giving no opportunity for Trade Unions to recruit these replacment workers.

In the meantime, workers remaining then face redundancy and loss of careers and subsequently in many cases from bad mental health.

Wothout unions organising to tackle the increasing numbert of employers moving to Freeports, there could be a serious threat to worker's rights and adherence to Health & Safety legislaation by those employers.

In highlighting this issue on her X - formerlly Twitter account, Clara said:

"I'd we dont want those new "Free Ports" to be just TaxFree, Union Free, Workers' Right Free or Health & Safety Free, we need to keep them in check & organise."

The film discusses this and the realities for Health & Safety and workers rights, that Freeports threaten to end.

The Unite film entitled: Free Ports Zones to Union Zones, can be viewed in full below.

Source: Clara Paillard / Unite
Pic: Bak to News icon link

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